Westwind takes training and qualification of our flight crew very seriously and stringently follows the guidelines established by 14 CFR 135. Westwind is dedicated to regulatory compliance and has strict and detailed methodology and requirements for its flight crew.
The Westwind Training Department provides “best in class” pilot training. Pilot applicants are thoroughly screened prior to employment to ensure only the most talented and skillful individuals are selected. Beginning with a robust New Hire training program in the Bell 407, all new hire pilots complete over 3 weeks of ground and flight training including modules in Basic Indoctrination, offshore operations, weather, aircraft systems, emergency procedures (simulator and actual aircraft), Aeronautical Decision Making, Single Pilot Resource Management, Dangerous Goods, and Westwind’s Safety Management System.

Subsequent progression for a Westwind pilot is an aircraft transition as SIC in the S76. The transition consists of ground, flight, and simulator training. It centers on IFR procedures and flight, Crew Resource Management (CRM), aircraft systems and emergency procedures, and Aeronautical Decision-Making exercises specific to the newly appointed role of IFR SIC.
IFR Captains are selected based on experience and performance. Candidates attend a rigorous Upgrade training course designed to provide the knowledge, experience and resources required to be a Westwind IFR Captain. They participate in scenario driven events intended to test their judgment and decision making.
Recurrent training entails annual training and evaluations that supersede regulatory requirements. Ground training consists of a Basic Indoctrination review, technical refresher, CRM/SRM, Dangerous goods, SMS, and IFR. Each VFR pilot completes a minimum of 1.5 to 2 hours simulator training focusing on emergency procedures, decision making, and inadvertent IMC procedures, followed by a thorough oral and flight evaluation. IFR pilots complete a minimum of 12 hours simulator training focusing on IFR procedures, CRM, emergency procedure training, and LOFT (Line Oriented Flight Training) events, followed by an oral and flight evaluation.